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  • Vibration Anesthesia for Facial Injections: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
    Supplementary data for the manuscript entitled "Vibration Anesthesia for Facial Injections: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis".
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  • Fingerprint powders, fingerprints, and touch DNA
    This dataset shows the results of using fingerprint powders on the recoverability of touch DNA.
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  • Validation of GapFinder Tool: Data Repository Submission
    This submission includes data and supporting materials used in the validation of the GapFinder tool. The validation process involved the analysis of ten scientific articles in PDF format. These documents were processed using the GapFinder tool to extract relevant data, which was then compiled into an Excel spreadsheet named "results.xlsx". Additionally, a video demonstration of the upload and processing of these articles using the tool is provided. This repository aims to offer comprehensive insights into the capabilities and accuracy of the GapFinder tool in processing and analyzing scientific literature.
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  • An Endogenic Origin for Titan's Rampart Craters: Assessment of Explosion Mechanisms
    We model the explosive release of gas forming a rampart crater. For each input gas pressure, the model iterates through gas amounts until blocks are launched to the average observed extent of radar-bright halos (assumed to be ejecta) surrounding rampart craters. The model results in a gas to solid mass fraction, the launch distance of ejected blocks (within +/- 10 m of the 4100 m extent), a gas reservoir height, and a total gas mass. Additionally, it results in the velocity, time, and position at the start of the blocks drag phase which can be used to test assumptions about drag. Results are presented for three different gas sources; methane clathrate hydrate (MCH), methane gas (CH4), and nitrogen gas (N2) and five different cap thicknesses (or depths to gas reservoir) each (30, 100, 300, 1500, and 3000 m). The supplemental material corresponding to the paper An Endogenic Origin for Titan's Rampart Craters: Assessment of Explosion Mechanisms and supplemental tables are also included here.
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  • Cambioscop RO1: Dataset on characterization, quantity and current use of French residual biomasses.
    The dataset provides comprehensive information on various aspects of biomass residues, including physical, biochemical, and chemical composition, current usage, and annual generation. It covers crop residues, primary forestry residues, pruning residues, manure, green/garden waste, sewage sludge, household biowaste, and agroindustrial residues. Each document in the dataset offers detailed insights into specific aspects of the residues. This is the fourth version of the data (Version 4). Here is an overview of the contents: 1) SI.1.Characterization: Description of the composition of the different residual streams. 2) SI.2.Current_uses: Information on the current usage of residual biomasses in France. 3) SI.3.Spatial_quantification: Generated amount and spatial quantification of the selected residual streams for France (include background data for Figure 3 of the main manuscript). a. The document is accompanied by background data and calculation for each stream: b. SI.3.Crop_residues c. SI.3.Green_residues d. SI.3.Household_biowaste e. SI.3.Manure_generation f. SI.3.Pruning_residues g. SI.3.Sludge h. SI.3.Potential_tot (background data for Table 1 of the main manuscript). 4) SI.4.LCI: Details the life cycle inventories (LCI) of current residual biomass management pathways (including process flows diagrams, technological parameters, background processes selected, etc.) as well as the modeling of marginal suppliers of electricity, heat and fertilizing services for the French context. a. The document is accompanied by the parametric LCI models (excel spreadsheets) for each pathway (gathered under umbrella categories). b. SI.4.AD_module (anaerobic digestion LCI) c. SI.4.Combust_module (open-air burning, incineration and domestic furnace LCIs) d. SI.4.Compost module (industrial and open-air composting LCIs) e. SI.4.Land_module (decay, spreading, aerobic treatment LCIs) f. SI.4.Context_modeling (electricity, heat, fertilizing services marginal suppliers LCAs) 5) SI.5.Unitary_LCA_results: Individual Monte Carlo simulations performed for each reported (pathway; feedstock) combination. Includes statistical analysis and background data for Table 2 and 3 of the main manuscript. 6) SI.6.Scaled_LCA_model: Consolidated model to estimate the residual biomass baseline performance as well as its variance (use precalculated LCA results from previous sheets). Includes background data for the Figure 2 of the main manuscript. 7) SI.6.Scaled_LCA_results: Monte Carlo simulations performed on the “Scaled_LCA_model”: background data for Figure 1 of the main manuscript The link to the main manuscript will be added once it is published.
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  • Reaction calorimetry and structural crystal properties of non-ideal binary rhabdophane solid solutions (Ce1-xREExPO4·nH2O)
    Room temperature reaction calorimetric experiments that were used to measure the enthalpy of precipitation of rhabdophane (Ce1-xREExPO4·nH2O; REE= La, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu, and Gd). The solids were characterized using X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, Raman spectroscopy, and the role of water in the rhabdophane structure was further determined using thermogravimetric analysis coupled with differential scanning calorimetry. Data are from the ODCM Laboratory, New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources, New Mexico Tech.
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  • Untargeted metabolomics - TINMAN
    Stool samples before and after prolonged (more than 2 weeks) antibiotic treatment were obtained from pediatric patients and analyzed via untargeted metabolomic profiling by third party laboratory "Metabolon". Further analyses of these results were performed to help determine the relationship between changes in metabolites after antibiotic treatment and the development of antibiotic-associated neutropenia.
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  • Constrained Growth: Does Land Supply Restriction Affect Manufacturing Firm Output?
    This document serves as the replication file for the article titled "Constrained Growth: Does Land Supply Restriction Affect Manufacturing Firm Output?". The replication file is composed of two main components: 1. Code, located in the 'code' folder, the '' file. 2. Data, located in the 'data' folder, which includes the following files: 'firm_use.dta', 'city_use.dta', 'figure2a.dta', and 'figure2b.dta'. The '' file contains the code corresponding to each table or figure presented in the article, along with the required data. Please note that the working directory path in the '' file needs to be adapted to the specific situation.
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  • Proteincoding_processed_triplets.ensembl_cds
    Processed data on the genomic triplet content of CDS of all protein coding transcripts to be used in mutation profile-generating tool SISMO ( Transcripts are based on coding sequence fasta downloaded from Ensembl (
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The Generalist Repository Ecosystem Initiative

Elsevier's Mendeley Data repository is a participating member of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Office of Data Science Strategy (ODSS) GREI project. The GREI includes seven established generalist repositories funded by the NIH to work together to establish consistent metadata, develop use cases for data sharing, train and educate researchers on FAIR data and the importance of data sharing, and more.

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GREI Collaborative Webinar Series on Data Sharing in Generalist Repositories

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